"25 At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. 26 Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.
27 “All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.""
Jesus washed
the feet of His disciples because HE knew that they were walking through the
dust and impurities of this world which impoverish people’s soul. He knew that
being clean is a better way to get rest and to enjoy the taste of their food
when they had to touch it with their hands. He knew that getting knowledge of
the Father and of Himself is more than words, it’s experience and rest, by
being released, restored, unburdened, renewed, empowered and strengthened. People
aren't satisfied by words when they are thirsty or hungry but they need food
and water. Therefore, it is those people
who need to experience God for their Life. They do not need
interpretations and nice words because they are looking for God to be
experienced and for God to manifest himself in their hopes and needs.
John the Baptist was not a theologian,
nor a scribe, neither an ordained minister but he was the greatest servant ever
born from a woman, and his message was: prepare
a straight way to the Lord to come and visit you. Jesus
referred to the signs and wonders that were performed in different places as
evidence that God is at work and people should pay attention to Christ's
visits, towards them.
When people awakened and figured out about God's visitations through Jesus,
the priests and the leaders deliberately
hindered them to approach Jesus through deception and deceit. People
became weary and impoverished, although God's incarnated peace, rest and
freedom was present in the "Person" of Jesus Christ.
I cannot decipher what it means to die
of thirst living by a stream of water or to starve when your Father is the
owner of a Foodland, Company. Although Jesus – the Almighty God and the Prince
of peace - was there, many people were still impoverished and oppressed because
they were deceived by others not to go to Jesus but to stay with their high
spoken and devious words which kept them down in spirit and in doubt. Because Jesus
loved them so much He took the risk and He did appeal to those people to come
to know the Father. Jesus told them that He was the Only one who can reveal the Father and by coming to Him they will have the opportunity
to experience the Father's love and grace for their souls. But they had to decide "who's"
words they would listen: to those who would keep them away from God's blessings
or from Jesus, whom spoke from God?
The people’s souls
were impoverished and weary with rules, regulations, commandments,
religiosities and envies while God’s Love, Freedom, Salvation and Blessings
were there waiting for them.
Jesus is
still here today for everyone who fell weary and overburdened. He is here
waiting for you to come to him (as you are), to be released, healed, restored,
empowered and strengthened to get rest for your soul. Jesus is calling you
today to get rid of those words, thoughts, emotions and things of your Life
that create internal chaos that dampen your soul.
Jesus invites
you to come to Him to be released, to follow Him by paying attention to His way
of Living: to be kind and humble of heart. Through all
of these Jesus is giving us today the keys of our peace and rest. So, “come”
says Jesus “Take my yoke upon you and
learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for
your souls. Come says Jesus and take it “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light,” because he partners
with us in everything that comes from Him for the Father’s glory.
Jesus’ yoke
is not a set of rules, regulations, traditions and prides which keep people
away from God the Father. His yoke is love, compassion, grace, divine teachings
and a call of dedication to God’s will. Jesus’
yoke can be set on the shoulders of those who acknowledge that the only way to
approach God through Jesus is with gentle and humble heart.
In others
words, those who are gentle and humble hearts Jesus are ready for Jesus to
reveal them the experience of the Father’s peace and rest for their souls.
So, come and approach Jesus in the way He can
set His Father’ yoke of love, peace, and grace on your shoulder that we may
follow and serve Him enjoying His company!
by Rev. Nick Pavel
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