“In the beginning…”
(John 1:1) “The next day…” (John 1:29)
“The next day…”
(John 1:35) “On the third day… “(John
The apostle John is mentioning a few times about the 1st & 2nd
day, etc. at the beginning of his Gospel. This beginning of days with Jesus was
so important for him and had such a great impact that he couldn’t skip these
important “details” of those days when he met Jesus or when he saw Jesus
performing His first miracle in public.
From the beginning of John’s Gospel we see again that it’s time to
count not only the “unimportant, insignificant” and unseen things and events of
those days but the fact that those days were part of God’s plan for John’s life
journey around Jesus to become His disciple and a strong pillar in the Church.
His life and ministry influenced humankind history and has been used by God to
transform lives and communities. It is well known for John, that he followed
and loved Jesus no matter what. Since then, he is recognized as the apostle of
love who was loved by Jesus and who loved others without limits. His letters
are filled with love and wisdom. But everything began with the days that counted
for him: days with Jesus.
“So, teach us to
number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12)
Wish you a blessed weak and an everyday “shadowed” by God’s
plan and His presence in your life!
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