Sunday, 28 January 2018

Soil, Water and Weather of our Hearts

  “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”(Jeremiah 17:10)

Yesterday, I stated that a divine dream can be born in people’s heart through God’s living word. God’s promise is able to be the seed of a dream in people’s heart.  To make that seed fruitful a good soil, water and appropriate weather is needed.
Yesterday, we didn’t have time to find out what is the good soil, water and perfect weather, but today we can meditate upon.

Good Soil is a good heart.
Good soil it’s a good heart which is honest in its thoughts and feelings.
Our actions are results of our hearts’ thoughts & feelings.

Pure water is a clean soul.
Pure water it’s an uncontaminated soul which is pure, uncorrupted & guarded from hidden and miscellaneous plans.
Our actions are the outcomes of those seeds which germinate in our souls days & nights.

Perfect Weather is an open heart for whatever comes from God.
Perfect weather it’s an obedient spirit to God’s Spirit instructions and guidance which direct hearts and souls to walk by faith and to trust in God Almighty.
Our actions are the effects of the inner spirit in us which is either persuaded or rebellious to God’s Word and Spirit.

 “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”(Jeremiah 17:10)

Tuesday, 23 January 2018


*Are walking together in similar dreams, visions, goals and activities.

*Share forgiveness for many things that went wrong or were expressed inappropriately.

*Have open and honest relationships while they are targeting the goal to be achieved.

*Help, support and push the other one to get on top, and when he/she does it, he/she will not turn his/her back, nor will cut off the rope. Contrary, he/she will lean towards you, will stretch the hand to you saying: “I reached the top with your help, now hold my hand and get back my support. Come closer to me, we need each other; we can do things together very well. We ought to stay together as friends. Come, let’s continue to walk and to work as friends while the others might figure out the one who did sustain me to reach the top.”

*Make people understand that better are two than one.

*Is the best teaching and proof that the true friend makes good and not bad to the other one.

*Make people see and understand that in times of trouble a true friend is like a brother.

Indeed, this end time of our days (when people are money lovers, greedy and selfish) is recognized as a harsh one for finding and having true friends. But blessed are those who can find and have a true friend. If you found or have a real friend, be wise enjoying your relationship. If you didn’t discover yet the right friend or if you just lost him/her, then it’s a good time for you to consider becoming the true one!

We will always have friends, but JESUS is the BEST FRIEND ever!

Have a blessed week!

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

A Day with Jesus

“In the beginning…” (John 1:1) “The next day…” (John 1:29) 
“The next day…” (John 1:35) “On the third day… “(John 2:1)

The apostle John is mentioning a few times about the 1st & 2nd day, etc. at the beginning of his Gospel. This beginning of days with Jesus was so important for him and had such a great impact that he couldn’t skip these important “details” of those days when he met Jesus or when he saw Jesus performing His first miracle in public. 

We should never forget that John wrote his Gospel being led by God’s Spirit to do so.  This leads us to the conclusion that every day of our life with, for and around Jesus is on God’s Spirit attention. Probably there are not many participants involved in our daily life, and sometimes our lives seem to be a routine and without impact. Probably we get the impression that we are not observed by others and nobody knows your heart and openness for good things to take place in and through your life.  Sometimes it seems that it’s too much “quietness” in our lives and nobody is “willing to disturb” it. Many times only your thoughts and your shadow are your life's journey companions.

From the beginning of John’s Gospel we see again that it’s time to count not only the “unimportant, insignificant” and unseen things and events of those days but the fact that those days were part of God’s plan for John’s life journey around Jesus to become His disciple and a strong pillar in the Church. His life and ministry influenced humankind history and has been used by God to transform lives and communities. It is well known for John, that he followed and loved Jesus no matter what. Since then, he is recognized as the apostle of love who was loved by Jesus and who loved others without limits. His letters are filled with love and wisdom. But everything began with the days that counted for him: days with Jesus.

“So, teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12)

Wish you a blessed weak and an everyday “shadowed” by God’s plan and His presence in your life!

Monday, 8 January 2018

Raining, Freezing or Snowing

Rain, freeze and snow belong to winter time. Skaters are praying for freeze but not the drivers. Children are praying for snow, but shovelers are pleased with less snow.

From the beginning (the first 2000 years of human kind on Earth) till the Noah's flood, nobody prayed or complained rain, freeze or snow. Could that be one of the reasons why the people back then used to lived 800 - 956 years??? Of course not!

As I preached last Sunday (@KPC), lots of people are afraid, scared, anxious, restrained about what is new. I'm wondering who was more anxious about the first forecast made by God regarding the first rain: Noah or the people around him? At the time, nobody has experienced rain, so God came with this new prophetic message like a news title of the day "Rain will come". Noah had to spread this news of something unexpected and unseen yet. Nobody had the knowledge or the experience of rain as only "streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground" (Genesis 2:6). It was not easy for him to spread the word because it was an unimaginable method at that time used by God to wipe out the sin's ability of filling the Earth by deceiving mankind and by corrupting the minds and hearts of the people. Does the first rain which fell on ground along with all the following floods lead to the conclusion that rain is not good??? Of course not! The Bible states that rain and snow are God's blessings for our planet. And which farmer can not say "Amen!" to this?

Too much rain, cold and snow can lead to at least 3 different conclusions. 1) We have to be more careful with what we got from God - the Creator of every good thing (our planet). 2) We need to     re-initiate the prayer time in our lives. It is wiser to pray not to have calamities rather then  start to pray and watch for deliverance & safety when the worst is acting already. 3) We  need to face the reality and learn from mistakes. We are living in a Christian community/country and enjoying good, healthy and blessed peaceful life, but what is missing the most is happiness.  Probably it is time to search our hearts and find out if the Source of true happiness was neglected from our daily life, communities events and country values.

We want for us and for the next generations to live in families, communities and countries enjoying the good life. If we want to be healthy (although is raining), to be blessed (even in a frozen season) and to be happy (no matter how much is snowing), we are invited to admit, recognize and honor the Source of a good, healthy, blessed and happy life.

Let's enjoy the new year of 2018 and the winter time along with everything else by considering Him and His good thoughts for our well being! That's why He has sent His word into our world and the rain and the snow upon the face of the earth.

"For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven
    and do not return there but water the earth,
making it bring forth and sprout,
giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.(Isaiah 55: 10, 11)

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

Weather changes, things around us are changing, even people does it, but
Christ remains the same as He was yesterday, as He is today and the same He'll be forever.

  YESTERDAY,                  GOD OF yesterday - PAST                
Jesus Christ established an eternal covenant between God & us      through His obedience. 
God made promises toward us asking obedience in return.
Our walk in obedience gives us a status of being in Christ &  walking by faith.

If we relay on Jesus then we have promises available that ignite divine hopes within us which never fail!    
"Remember your promise to me; You have given me hope through it."
 "God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"   (Psalm.119:49;Numbers 23:19)
TODAY,                      GOD OF today - NOW
Lord Jesus is asking obedience if we hear His voice; if we don't, we have to continue to "walk" in faith of what we know from Him already.
To whom/what we offer our obedience that will be our god/partner. 
If we obey God today, tomorrow we can have expectation to experience God.  

Wise Words
Nothing is impossible with God, but those who obey Him allow God to make things possible!
 "I tell you the truth, I haven't seen faith like this in all Israel! Then Jesus said to the Roman officer, "Go back home. Because you believed, it has happened."  (Matthew 8:10,13)

TOMORROW,            GOD OF tomorrow - FOREVER
God's promises give us expectations to experience His faithfulness.
The outcome of our today obedience open doors to God to make things happen.
Both yesterday & today can "project" an Almighty God for tomorrow.

Investment and Assets
Yesterday is God's promise, today is our 
obedience & tomorrow is trusting in Him!

"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." No one who trusts in you will be ashamed, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others." (Isaiah 40:31; Psalm 25:3)